Monday, 29 April 2013

Return of the Mischievous Poltergeist

Its amazing the things that occur during the construction of such a project ,  tools that you put down for a second amazing disappear for long periods at a time , only to be found later ( or sometimes not at all ) in a totally bizarre place . How did they get there !! . Either a Mischievous Poltergeist is playing games with me or looks like i need to tidy up my workspace again ! .

We have started to skin the BEAST ,

This is the first of the two layers of 12mm plywood , the rear section was done in a single sheet , the forward part is done in 150 mm strips due to the twist in this section ( due to a rather deep forefoot ) . This changeover is also marked in the change in the chine as the connection between the sides and the bottom changes from an overlapping joint to a butt joint .  The strips aren't glued into place as yet , just held by a couple of screws , the angular pattern creates a concave shape in the strips so I let them stress relief in the shape for a day before i glue them  , makes the gluing easier . The second layer goes on using a reverse angle creating a convex curve which holds them  nice and tight to the first layer .

Managed to secure a shipment of marine plywood at a good price , so got a test shipment of 25 sheets , stuff looks good so I will attempt to get some more , but am seriously running out of space , there is now even less room between the boat  and the walls of the shed .

Hopefully should make a bit of progress this week as have manged to take a few days off work , between taking my son to the go-carts , and the other maintenance work that needs to be done around the place , here's hoping anyway .

Thursday, 11 April 2013

The Curse of the Second Guess

There are times during the construction that you look at your Creation and Wonder ?
Does that look right? , Should that be Straighter , Bendier ,Smaller or Bigger , Does what looked right  on a piece of paper or a Computer Screen really translate when it forges it way , full size in the real 3D world . You just keep going saying quietly to yourself that your sure its supposed to look this way , even though those niggley questions rattle around in the back of the head to annoy you !.

But slowely it grows on you , Your 3d creation starts to fill in , and you feel more at ease .
Framing for this section is almost complete , just a bit more tidy-up planing to get things nice ,true and ready for the 2 skins of plywood to skin the beast . This framing has been slower than expected , mostly due the laminated stringers,chines and gunwales etc ( only had so many G clamps ) , the next 3 sections ( rest of the Port Hull ) should be quicker as these members will be single pieces of solid timber as there is much less bend and twist to deal with .
Three months down , three more to go for this first section , and then hopefully 4 months for each of the sections to follow , Then all again for the Starboard hull  . Connect the pieces then my creation hits the water , and then the Hard work starts , but hopefully that will be full-time construction rather than this part-time stuff .  There must be easier ways to retire !!