Got bored working on the house ( or restless ) , so looked at completing some outstanding issues with the stern sections , The External keel on section 4 / 8 still needed to be done as well as the rudder stub and rudder bearing strut .
First item was the lamination's of solid timber to form the External keel , this was made out of multiple pieces of 100 x 50 kauri , cut to shape and laminated into position .
, built another stern tube as with previous stern section and added into lamination as required .
The keel line runs straight from mid-ship rearward , the tunnel in the rear section of the hull means less draft and better protection for the propeller .
The capping strip is slightly wider than the lamination's so used epoxy filler to create a flat surface on the sides , then covered with multiple layers of unidirectional cloth to create a structual component to take the vibration from the prop and possible grounding capability .
Once the external keel was complete then proceeded on the rudder bearing strut and the rudder stub , the stub is required due to the turning limitations of having a rudder inside a prop tunnel .
In this picture you can see the tube for the bearings and the rudder stub , the stub is cut from the blanks for the rudder already created , glued into position around the tube and filled with expanding foam . Additional glass was then added to form the top of the stub .
After a coat of primer we then fitted the rotating cradle around this section and rotated into the correct orientation .
This way up looks so much better .
In this picture you can see the finished external Keel , sterntube , tunnel and rudder stub , now just have to repeat this on the other hull , ( damn Catamaran )