Sunday, 6 November 2016

More Wet Sticky Stuff

Have fitted the external keel and prepared the bottom of this hull section for more of the Wet Sticky Stuff , the fiberglass on the sides has been faired into the bottom ply with more filler and more sanding followed by more sanding ( Oh Yeah ) .

Some of the peelply has been left on the sides for additional protection , but since the bottom layer of glass overlaps the keel  , some has been removed .

The bottom layer of glass runs from just above the chine  , across the bottom , over the keel and stops just over the other side of the keel , giving 2 layers at the chine and the Keel .
Problem with this wet sticky stuff is old men leaning over the hull wearing short shirts and exposing their hairy  bulging stomach's to such a messy substance , very messy indeed . Who needs to wax when there's fiberglass around !! .

Friday, 28 October 2016

The Boring Bits in the Middle !

Sections 6 and 7 are the most boring  , very little shape change  , so not very interesting , Same basic Construction though .  Section 6 was built off the bow section and when the shape was stable the bow section was removed and rotated ( earlier posts ) . When section 6 was complete it was used as the basis for Section 7 , when 7 was stable section 6 was removed and now sits awaiting its turn to be rotated .

Rotation cradle is still under the bow section ( 5 ) so need to create a temp cradle to hold it to release the main cradle for its duty  , will do this soon as section 7 is almost ready to come out of the shed and need to create space for it .

The last couple of weeks we have been skinning section 7 in the 2 layers of 1/2 inch plywood.

This is now complete -


Last weekend we started on the fiber-glassing  of this section

Do the sides first  , as they are the easiest , the bottom layer overlaps this layer at the chine .
Glass is installed using the " Wet Method" , activated resin is painted on the plywood  , rolled for 10-15 minutes as the plywood de-gasses trapped air and then we add more resin in preparation for the class cloth , roll the glass on and smooth out , then add more resin to "wet out" the cloth .
Once this is sticky and stable  , we then add another layer of resin and attach the Peel-Ply and smooth out as much as possible .


Saturday, 7 May 2016

Roll Me Over , Again !!

Section 6 is complete , so need to remove it from the shed as a new shipment of timber is due to arrive  for the next piece of the puzzle  . The bow section has been sitting in the front yard  , after its disconnection from section 6  , so its now time to Upturn it into something more akin to a boat . The cradle was round the back yard under one of the earlier sections so dragged it out and round the front yard and positioned it over Section 5 .


The Cradle is used for all sections of the main hulls so need to brace the hull inside the cradle , don't really want it moving during the rotation . Also need to bolt-on the semi-circular addons that allow for a smooth rotation .
Now we attach the ropes , chains and other bits and start the rotation ( time to panic ! )
Over we go  , nice and slow , try not to screw it up !
Making progress , ropes pulling from one way to make it roll , ropes in the other direction to stop it rolling by its own will ( don't ask , drama when we rolled section 2 still gives me nightmares)
This is when it has a mind of its own and all we can do now is to control the descent  , no more pulling  required , its on its way down .
Maximum load on descent chain at this time but its getting closer to its destination , taking it really  slow .
Phew !!! , its down  , I can Breathe again !! , Finally , something that actually looks like a boat .
Tomorrow I'll move this section into the side yard and we will look at getting section 6 out of the garage , I'll just remove the addons and manoeuvre this piece out of the way ( don't want to upset the neighbours as its taking up the shared driveway at the moment ) .