Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Feel the Conflict within us

I build Jigsaw with an internal conflict , Its a Houseboat , not a show boat or a Gin Palace , not even a Racing or Pretty  Little Sailboat . The Question is ? , just how much time do I want to apply to the attainment of a perfectly smooth finish . I don't want it to be ugly  , but I don't have time to waste .
Its a BL''''DY BIG BOAT .

 After an initial round of fairing and sanding ,we finally got around to the fiberglassing , a single overlapping ( at the chines and keel ) layer of 12 oz ( 400gm ) biaxial cloth and West Epoxy Resin . Used Peelply for the first time during this phase  , interesting stuff , seems a bit of a waste of cloth but worth the result . Where I got the cloth to work correctly , the surface was damn near perfect , almost ready to paint , on other areas it still need a little re-work , but far less than if I hadn't used it at all . So after another round of fairing  we started in on the Paint job , using a 2 pot Epoxy Primer to start the process we applied it with a roller rather than spraying ( Hey , its a Houseboat ) , the fumes are bad enough with just rolling it on , hate to think what its like if you spray it  .
Its almost time for this section to be delivered into the world ( that is , if I can get it out of the garage door ) , it will then be positioned in front of the garage and we can make a start on the next section that will use the first as its joining template . Once the shape and connection of the second section is confirmed , then this initial Bow section will be removed and Rotated to its proper orientation .
Should actually start looking like a boat !!

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